Below you'll find links to recordings of previous Best practice sessions as well as helpful resources for each topic!
You can also join us for our regularly occurring training sessions led by our Customer Enablement team and partners to help you get the most out of your Bonusly account. From deep dives into feature-specific content to high-level discussions on the value of recognition, we're here to support you and your recognition goals.
Team Recognition and Group Giving
End -of-Year-Webinar Series Part 2: Strategy Plan for 2025
End-of-Year Webinar Series Part 1: Review Data and Insights
Allowances Best Practices Webinar
Bonusly Learning Center: The budget calculator is located at the end of chapter 3 in Connect Onboarding
Bonusly Achieve webinar and demo
Bonusly new feature - Announcements
The Value of HRIS Integrations
Performance Enablement with Bonusly Achieve
Core to connect Upgrade
Chat Integration Best Practices
Customizing your Rewards Catalog
Customizing your Rewards Catalog Presentation Slides
Fuel Your Business: 30+ Custom Rewards for Supercharged Teams
Enhanced Custom Rewards: Build Culture and Keep Budgets in Check
Bonusly Help Center collection on AXOMO swag integration
Boosting Participation Best practices
Automated Awards Best Practices
Empowering Managers Part II
Admin Dashboard
Admin Dashboard Presentation deck
Understanding the Admin Dashboard
Stakeholder ROI presentation deck
Building a culture of appreciation
Empowering managers
Admin Reporting
Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!
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