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Using the Bonusly Microsoft Teams Integration to give recognition
Using the Bonusly Microsoft Teams Integration to give recognition

Learn how to use the Bonusly app in Microsoft Teams to give recognition!

Updated over a week ago

It's time to start giving recognition from the comfort of your own workflow! The Microsoft Teams integration enables you to use Bonusly to give recognition within Teams. ๐ŸŽ‰ Our friendly Bonusly bot posts recognition for you, and helps out if you have any questions! First, you'll want to make sure the Microsoft Teams integration is added and set to the proper channel. Check out our article on Integrating Bonusly with Microsoft Teams for integration instructions.

Table of Contents

Giving recognition through Microsoft Teams:

There are two main ways to give recognition through Microsoft Teams: Using the Bonusly App's giving modal, or, through the giving commands and formulas with the Bonusly bot.

Using the Bonusly App's giving modal

Go to your team's channel in Microsoft Teams where you have Bonusly integrated. Start a conversation and in the chat box, type the command, "@Bonusly give" to bring up the giving modal.

When in a conversation in Microsoft Teams, clicking on the "New Conversation" button to start typing in the give command.

The giving modal will pop up into the channel's feed, allowing you to select one of following options:

  • Give Recognition

  • Claim an award

  • Pick an award

  • Make a donation

  • Go to the Bonusly site

Once typing in @Bonusly give and the giving modal displays, click on "Give Recognition" to start giving recognition.

Click on the "Give Recognition" button to be prompted with everything you'll need to enter in to give. You'll enter the following:

  • Amount - Points you are giving to each recipient

  • Recipients - User(s) you are recognizing

  • Message - Reason you are giving

  • Hashtag - Your company value hashtag(s)

The give recognition opens up and now can fill out the amount, recipients, message, and hashtag.

Once you've completed all those fields and are ready to post the recognition, click on "Give" to have your recognition posted!

Your recognition will now show up in your team's channel feed and is reflected on the Bonusly site.

Using the giving formula

When you give recognition in Microsoft Teams, you have to prompt the Bonusly bot by typing โ€œ@Bonuslyโ€ and selecting the bot first to make sure it's hyperlinked:

Highlighting how "@Bonusly" needs to be hyperlinked in order for the giving formula to work.

Next, type in the details of your recognition. All together, the formula for giving is:

@Bonusly +amount-of-points @user Reason for giving #don't-forget-the-hashtag

The four components after "@Bonusly" are:

  1. +amount-of-points : Enter the amount of points you would like to give.

  2. @user-you're-giving : Identify who(m) you'd like to give recognition to.

  3. Reason for giving : This is how you show your appreciation!

  4. #don't-forget-the-hashtag : Share the company value that is best embodied by your co-workers' hard work.

When typed out as an actual recognition, it reads as:

@Bonusly +10 @dan for a great Microsoft Teams integration! #teamwork

Once the whole formula has been inputted, click on the send button on the bottom right of the chat box.

When you're ready to send the recognition, hit "enter" or the send button! The recognition will now post in your company's announcement channel, and also on the Bonusly website. ๐ŸŽ‰

You will also receive a notification from the Bonusly bot that your recognition has gone through, and it will let you know how many points you have left in your monthly allowance:

When recognition is given, the Bonusly bot will respond back letting you know the recognition was posted successfully and how many points you have left to give.

Add on to a recognition post

With the recognition feed flowing through your team's channel, you can see what everyone is getting recognized for! Even better, you can add on to a recognition post in Microsoft Teams! Just click on the "Add on" link at the end of a recognition post. This will take you to the Bonusly site where you can add on to the recognition. Once posted on Bonusly, it will post in Teams as well!

The "add on" button is highlighted right under the recognition posted in the feed so it can be clicked on to add on recognition.

Types of commands for the Bonusly bot:

The Bonusly bot is here to help! You can type in your direct message or team's channel for help on writing a recognition post, and it always guides you if something isn't quite right about your recognition post format. ๐Ÿ‘ย 

How do I bring up the giving modal?

Type @Bonusly give into the chat box of a new conversation and click the send button to bring up the giving modal.

The "Give Recognition" button is located as the first available button when the giving modal is brought up.

What's the formula to give recognition? I need some help!

Type @Bonusly help if youโ€™re not sure what the format for giving recognition is. The bot will reply with the giving formula along with examples, suggested hashtags, and some users you can give to.

When "@Bonusly help" is typed in, the Bonusly bot responds with an example of the giving formula, people you can give to, and suggested hashtags to use.

Who can I give recognition to?

Type @Bonusly users to get a list of who you can give recognition to:ย 

When "@Bonusly users" is typed in, the Bonusly bot responds with a list of users you can give to.

Did I give the recognition correctly?

If your recognition is incorrect, the bot will tell you what went wrong!ย 

If the wrong formula is typed in, the Bonusly bot will respond with what was wrong and provide and example of how to give with the giving formula, who you can give to, and suggested hashtags.

That's it! Youโ€™re all set and ready to give recognition in Microsoft Teams! ๐ŸŽ‰ ย 


Why can't I give recognition even though I used @Bonusly?

The '@Bonusly' text must be hyperlinked for the bot to work and give recognition. Be sure to type in the text instead of copying and pasting for giving to work! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Why can everyone see my allowance balance when I give recognition from the announcement channel?
The Bonusly Microsoft Teams integration is set up so teams can bring Bonusly seamlessly into their workflows. In order to achieve that, we provide users with their balance every time they give recognition. This reduces the need to go to the Bonusly website to check allowance balance availability. If you do not want your allowance balance public, you can give a bonus in your Direct Message with the Bonusly bot.

I'm not finding all the features listed here, what can I do?

We're currently on version 2.0.0 of the Bonusly app in Microsoft Teams. If you are on an older version, refer to our article on upgrading the Bonusly app to experience the latest features!

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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