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Managing Peer-to-Peer Recognition Settings
Managing Peer-to-Peer Recognition Settings

Set your monthly points allowance and give amounts for your peer-to-peer program

Updated over a week ago

This article is best for:

- Admins

- All Account types

Peer-to-peer Recognition Settings Overview

The Peer-to-Peer Recognition Settings page is the centralized location for updating the peer-to-peer settings for your Bonusly account. Here you can update and change your monthly allowance amount, add point boosts based on number of direct reports, add/manage custom allowance settings, and set suggested give amounts for recognition posts.

Navigate to this page by clicking on Recognition -> Peer-to-peer in your admin tools.

Monthly points allowance

Every Bonusly user has a monthly allowance to give to their peers to recognize outstanding work and valuable contributions. By default, each user receives the same amount. Unless custom rules are set, each user receives the same amount regardless of department, location, or role.

Monthly allowance amount

Bonusly admins can set the amount of their users' monthly allowance by entering it into the Monthly allowance amount field. You can choose any amount greater than 10.

Best practice tip: We recommend starting with at least 100 points per user. This gives your team flexibility to give out regular, meaningful recognition each month, without breaking your budget.

Manage monthly allowance custom settings

You can also set custom rules based on certain conditions, such as department, location, or role. To update, click on the Manage custom settings link under Monthly allowance amount.

The default setting will show that you have No rules defined. To create a new rule, click the New Rule button at the top right of the page.

First, you will set the amount of giveable points for this group in the Monthly allowance amount field.

Example: We want to give users in the design department 400 points per month.

Next, click the Add a condition button, select the Department -> Design.

After you've clicked submit, you will see your new rule appear. You can edit or delete by clicking on the icons on the right side.

Note: The rules you set on this page for custom allowances will replace the regular monthly allowances for these users. This means that the custom allowances will take the place of the regular allowances, not add to them.

Additional amount per direct report

You also have the option to give users with direct reports a specific number of points per direct report. For example, let's say we want to provide all managers with five extra monthly points per direct report. You would put 5 in the Additional allowance per direct report field.

Example: If a manager has five direct reports, she will receive an additional 25 monthly points to give away.

Manage allowance per direct report custom settings

You can also set custom rules for the Additional allowance per direct report field, similar to the custom rules for the base monthly allowance outlined above.

Click the Manage custom settings link beneath the Additional allowance per direct report section to add rules.

Note: The custom rules set on this page will overwrite the base additional allowance per direct report.

Give amounts

Suggested give amounts

Make suggestions for give amounts for quick and easy selection when giving recognition.

Click in the box next to Modify suggested points amount to update.

Suggestions appear in the recognition box on the home feed when creating a recognition post.

Saving your Settings

After any changes are made in peer-peer recognition settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save settings button to update your account and activate any changes made.


What if a user matches multiple custom rules that I've set?

If multiple custom Monthly Allowance rules match, the rule with the highest value will be used for that user.

What if someone gains additional reports in the middle of the month? Will their monthly allowance increase accordingly?

No, they will not receive extra points for expanding their team until the following month.

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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