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Flash Points
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Flash Points allow HR administrators to promote events by giving out additional points that will expire after a set time period. Whether it's twenty-four hours for a special giving day or four weeks for Employee Appreciation month, administrators can choose a start date and end date that aligns with a special event they are promoting.

Users can give recognition with an amount that is some, all, or more than their Flash Points balance. Flash Points will be used before their monthly allowance balance.

All users will receive an email at the start of the Flash Points event and at the end of the event if they have not spent all of their Flash Points. Users can opt out of these emails on the user preferences page.

Create, View, or Edit Flash Points Events

Click your profile picture in the top right-hand corner of your Bonusly homepage. Then, click the Manage admin settings button.

Select Recognition in the left-hand sidebar and then select Peer-to-peer. Click the Manage button under the Set up a Flash Points event section.

You will be directed to the Flash Points Events page. To create a new event, click the Create New button in the top right-hand corner of the Flash Points Events page.

  • Note: To edit an event, click the Pen icon that corresponds with the event you would like to change.

In the Create new event form, complete the following fields in the Basic Info section:

  • Name: Enter a name for the event (e.g., Employee Appreciation Day).

  • Points per user: Enter the number of points to give users for the duration of the event.

  • Start date: Enter a start date for the event. Note: Points will be available at 00:01:01 based on the user's timezone at the start of the event.

  • End date: Enter an end date for the event. Note: Points will expire at 23:59:59 based on the user’s timezone at the end of the event.

Then, complete the following fields in the Communication section:

  • Headline: Enter a short introduction for your Flash Points event.

  • Description: Enter some details about the event.

  • Appearance: Select a color scheme for the Flash Points Event banner.

When you’re done, click the Save button in the bottom right-hand corner of the Create new event form.

Flash Points Event Statuses

There are five possible Flash Points event statuses. You can view the status of each event on the Flash Points Events page.

  1. Active: Flash points are available for at least one user. Note: Flash points may not be available for all users due to timezone differences.

  2. Creating: Event creation is ongoing. Flash points are distributed to all users after event creation is complete. Note: This status only appears if the event is scheduled to start on the day it was created.

  3. Scheduled: The event is scheduled to start on a future date.

  4. Ending: The event is currently ending. Flash Points are expiring for all users and once complete, the event will be expired.

  5. Expired: The event is complete.

Where can users view their Flash Points Balance?

Users can view their Flash Points balance on their Bonusly homepage or in the Give recognition popup window.

Note: To see how much time you have left to spend your Flash Points, hover your cursor over the golden Flash Points balance badge.

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