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Allowance boosts

Learn how to give allowance boosts to your user's monthly point allowance, so they can use extra points to recognize their peers.

Updated over 6 months ago

This article is best for:

- Admins ๐ŸŽ‰

- Connect Accounts ๐Ÿ’ผ

Topics in this article:

In addition to the base monthly allowance` that all users receive, there are situations where an organization may want certain users to have additional allowance to hand out to their colleagues. For instance, managers and team leads are often in a position where they witness more rewardable behavior than other employees, and would benefit from more points to increase their recognition abilities. The allowance boost feature is an option for additional recognition that is available on Bonusly Connect.

In this article, you will learn about the two types of Allowance boosts, where to view users with allowance boosts, and how to give them to your users.ย 

Types of Allowance boosts

Allowance boosts are given in addition to the standard monthly allowance all users receive. Allowance boosts come in two forms:

  1. Persistent Boosts: Additional funds will be added to the user's allowance each month until the boost is manually removed. The boosted amount for persistent boosts will not roll over from month to month, and expires just like the standard monthly allowance

  2. One-time Boosts: Additional funds will be added to the user's allowance once. One-time boosts will only be used once the normal monthly allowance is used up, and any left-over points will roll-over from month to month.ย 

Viewing allowance boosts for users

First, go to the Users > Manage page. On that page, you'll see a column labeled "allowance boost". In that column, there is a number indicating the size of allowance boost they've been allotted. By default, each user's allowance boost is '0'.

Adding a persistent allowance boost

When you visit the 'manage users' page, to make changes to a userโ€™s allowance boost, click the blue "Points" link under the column labeled Allowance Balance.

When you click the blue "Points" link, you'll see a dialogue pop up, showing the user's allowance balance in detail.

Click the blue"0 point" link, you will get a pop-up box, make your changes to the allowance boost and click the "Save" button:

Once you hit save, go back to the 'manage users' page. In the column labeled 'allowance boost.' youโ€™ll see the updated allowance boost.

This user will now receive an allowance boost every month! ๐ŸŽ‰ย 

Adding a one-time allowance boost

Head over to the 'manage users' page and click the blue 'allowance balance' link:

You'll see a dialogue pop up, showing the user's allowance balance in detail. To add a one-time boost to that user's giving allowance, click the button labeled "One-time Allowance Boost."

Enter the amount in the 'boost amount' field, then add a reason below for future reference. When you're done, click 'add.'

The one-time allowance boost will appear immediately in the user's allowance balance, ready for use! ๐ŸŽ‰ย 

Just a reminder - these one-time allowance boost points will only be used after the regular monthly allowance is exhausted. Any unused boost points will not expire. The remaining amount, if not fully spent, will roll over to the next month.

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