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Managing Program Settings
Updated over 4 months ago

This article is best for:

- Admins

- All Account types

Program Settings Overview

The Program Settings page is the centralized location for updating the program settings for your Bonusly account. Here you can update and change your points name, company value hashtags, hashtag requirements, and banned hashtags.

Navigate to this page by clicking on Company -> Program settings in your admin tools.


Points name

Bonusly uses the term points as a default currency for giving recognition, which helps to standardize giving across locations and reduce emphasis on the dollar amount associated with a recognition post.

You can rename your currency to something that better fits your company to increase the elements of fun and show off your company's culture. We've seen all sorts of creative ideas from high fives to rainbows and beyond!

Simply type in the currency name you prefer or use an emoji as a symbol and click on Save settings to update.

Exchange rate

Custom currencies always exchange at a rate of 10:1. Ten units of your custom currency equals one unit of your base currency. For most currencies, this exchange rate allows flexibility to give enough meaningful pieces of recognition without diluting the value of points. Drastically high or low exchange rates can either dilute the meaning of points or allow users to give only a few pieces of meaningful recognition, both of which can negatively impact frequent participation.

Additionally, the 10:1 ratio helps keep things clear for employees and consistent for global companies with a common currency. You can see this exchange rate listed on Points card on the Program Settings page.

Points requirements

In the points requirements settings you can choose to allow your team members to give out recognition without out points attached to each post. Bonusly best practice is to use the default setting of posts always require 1 or more points, to increase excitement and engagement across your company.

To make changes, click on the circle next to the option you'd like to implement and then save settings to confirm changes.

Bonusly data shows a higher participation rate for companies that use points and allow customers to save up and cash in for meaningful rewards!

Company value hashtags

As an admin, you can choose suggested hashtags for your users that align with your company’s values to start gaining insight into which values are most important to your team and which could use a little TLC.

By adding company value hashtags to recognition, you can help everyone in your organization understand what it means to embody your values and see how contributions of all kinds support your mission.

Hashtag requirements

The Hashtag requirements setting makes it easy to implement hashtags as a part of your recognition posts.

  • A company value hashtag is required: requires your team to attach at least one of your company value hashtags to every recognition post they give. Your team may still add any additional hashtags they choose.

  • Any hashtag required: requires your team to attach at least one hashtag to the recognition they give, but it doesn't have to be a company value.

    • Examples: #dream-team, #meet-those-goals, etc.

  • Hashtags are optional: allows your team to give recognition with or without a hashtag attached.

Best practice tip: We recommend selecting A company value hashtag is required, which allows you to get the most out of the data and analytics in Bonusly.

Additionally, hashtags feed into our Achievements feature; your top performers for each company value will get additional recognition and visibility!

Adding Company Values in Bonusly

You can add up to 12 company value hashtags by entering them into the fields provided. Use the description field to give more detail about your company’s values and keep your team aware of and aligned with the values that are most meaningful.

Use the Add hashtag button to add additional fields and click on save settings to update in your Bonusly account.

Pro tip: to help ensure Company Value Hashtag descriptions are digestible for users, they are subject to a 250 character limit.

Banned hashtags

In the Banned hashtags settings, you can list any hashtags you'd like to prohibit team members from using.

Saving your Settings

After any changes are made in Program settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save settings button to update your account and activate any changes made.

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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