This article is best for:
- Admins
- Connect Accounts
Topics in this article:
Bonusly has multiple hashtag modes to help you control how your users use hashtags. As an admin, you can set your hashtag mode from the Company > Program Settings page. To get there, first travel to your profile in the top right corner and click "Manage admin settings":
Then, click Company > Program settings:
Hashtag modes
Company value hashtag required: Setting your hashtag mode to 'Company value hashtag required’ will require your team to attach at least one of your company hashtags to every bonus they give. Your team may still add any additional hashtags they choose.
Hashtag required: Setting your hashtag mode to 'Hashtag required' will require your team to attach at least one hashtag to the bonuses they give.
Hashtag optional: Setting your hashtag mode to 'Hashtag optional' will allow your team to give bonuses with or without a hashtag attached.
Which hashtag mode should I use?
We recommend using the "Company value hashtag required" mode. By requiring at least one company hashtag, you'll receive the most data and analytics from the Bonusly system. You can also start gaining insight into which values are most important to your team and which could use some TLC.
Additionally, hashtags feed into our Achievements feature; your top performers for each company value will get additional recognition and visibility!
Now that you've selected your bonus hashtag mode, you're ready to add your company hashtags! 🎉
Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!
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