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User modes

Learn how to choose and manage user modes to customize Bonusly to your company's needs.

Updated over a month ago

This article is best for:

- All users

- Connect Accounts

Bonusly has four user modes to set parameters around who can give and receive bonuses. Adjusting someone's user mode can be a good way to manage how your organization uses Bonusly.ย Only Bonusly Admins can update user modes in a Bonusly account.

The four user modes:

1. Normal

  • Normal users can give and receive recognition. This is the default user mode. Every user starts out as a 'normal' user.

2. Benefactor

  • Benefactors can give recognition but cannot receive recognition. This might be useful for members of upper management who would like to give recognition but don't wish to receive it.ย 

(Note: Although other users cannot give points to observers, their names will appear in the drop-down menu of the 'Recipient:' field.)

3. Receiver

  • Receivers can receive recognition but not give recognition. If there are certain users who you don't want to be able to give recognition, but you do want them to be able to receive it, then you'll want to set them to 'receiver' mode.ย 

4. Observer

  • Observers can view activity but can neither give nor receive points. Owners and executive leadership who may want to view recognition activity but not participate directly in giving or receiving points are the most common use case for the 'observer' user mode.

(Note: Although other users cannot give points to observers, their names will appear in the drop-down menu of the 'Recipient:' field.)

Regardless of which mode a user is set to, they will always be able to redeem rewards for the points they have accrued.

Changing someone's user mode

To change someone's user mode, head to the Users > Manage page in your admin tools and click the Edit button in the row of the user you'd like to update! ๐ŸŽ‰

You can edit the user's mode on the pop-up modal. Make sure to hit save once edits are complete! The new user mode will take effect immediately. ๐ŸŽ‰ย 

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