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Transition SFTP from ExaVault to AWS

Learn how Bonusly is supporting you through an important user management data integration update.

Updated over a year ago

Intended audience: For existing customers using ExaVault

What is SFTP and what's happening?

When setting up your company's Bonusly account, you probably did a user management integration to sync your Bonusly user data with your HRIS.

To transfer user data from your company's existing HRIS systems to Bonusly, we provide Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) files to be imported and stored through ExaVault. To help modernize and secure our file transfer and storage system, we are discontinuing the use of ExaVault and moving to Amazon Web Service (AWS) beginning on January 17, 2022.

The good news is the process will work the same with AWS with minimal updates needed from your team! 🙌

Next Steps

  1. Select a date prior to January 17, 2022 (the earlier the better) for SFTP transition that’s convenient for your team

  2. Respond to your Customer Success Manager (CSM) with your preferred transition date so we can get the transfer scheduled

  3. On the planned transfer date, your CSM will remove your current SFTP ExaVault file and create a new integration for AWS for your account

  4. Once AWS is set up, your CSM will send you the new credentials (username/password/host) to be updated on your end before the regularly scheduled nightly sync

Common Questions

What will happen to our existing user data once our current SFTP ExaVault file is removed?

Any existing user data imported from the previous ExaVault connection will remain, no existing data will be removed. On the scheduled date you determine, the file gets removed, but the existing data stays.

What changes might I see?

When you get new credentials from your CSM, you may see the "Desired Username" has changed. This is due to the username now being autogenerated for new connections to AWS.

What else can I do to support a smooth transition?

Arrange to have your files scheduled to send to the new credentials as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition for your integration. ⏰

What if I am not the person responsible for gathering user data?

If you are not the person handling user data or don't usually dive into the technical pieces, reach out to team or individual in your company that does and connect them with your CSM. If you don't have an identified team/individual responsible, let your CSM know so we can further figure out how to best support!

We use a custom SFTP workflow. How will this work with the change to AWS?

Share this with your CSM so we can investigate your situation to understand and provide the correct solution approaches.

We use Web User Interface (WebUI) for manual SFTP upload. What should I do?

If so, let's chat! Let your CSM know so we can figure out the best solution. This function will no longer be supported once the switch to AWS is finalized.

We use PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) encryption currently. What should I do?

There will not be a need for any updating and you should be able to use the same key if you use PGP encryption.

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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