Users accounts

Learn how to read and utilize the Users > Manage page for user reports and take advantage of the data!

Adrianne Hipsher avatar
Written by Adrianne Hipsher
Updated over a week ago

The Users accounts managepage allows you to view the users who are currently active in your Bonusly account and manually edit and update user information.

Overview page of the Users Manage page under the Admin navigation page.

You can easily organize how you view user information by clicking on the filter users button. These filters make it easy to sort the list by email, name, department, location, role, and admin permissions to help refine your searches. ✨

Manage user page pointing to filter users buttons to filter users.

If you want to download this report to review and share, click on the export to CSV button to generate a report instantly.

Manage user page pointing to Export to CSV button to download user roster.

Actions you can take on the Users > Manage page:

If you’re using an HRIS integration, user information in Bonusly will come directly from your HRIS roster and cannot be edited on this page. You will need to make changes to your user data from within your HRIS/HRMS system and those changes will then automatically show up in Bonusly. Visit our article on managing your user roster for more information on setting up HRIS integrations. 💥

If you do not have an HRIS integration in place, you can edit or change information about users by clicking on the edit button.

The user manage page pointing to where admin can click on edit button on right side to edit a user.

A dialogue box will pop up where you can change information like name, email, department, role, and avatar.

Modal opens up when clicking on edit user to edit things like name, email, department, role, and avatar.

For all accounts including those using an HRIS integration, the Users > Manage page is where you can update how users access Bonusly including:

Area to grant permissions, edit the user mode, and give an allowance boost.

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