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Reactivating an archived user

It's easy to re-activate an archived user and restore their Bonusly account.

Updated over 6 months ago

You can restore an archived user anytime. How you re-activate a user will depend on how your users are managed. 

Re-activating a user when using bulk upload with .csv. 

To restore a user, head over to the 'Users > User Accounts' page, and click the 'Include: Archived’ checkbox:

To find the exact user:

  1. Click ‘Filter users’.

  2. Enter in part or all of the user's email address or name.

  3. Click the 'Filter' button.

When you've found the user's account, click the "Activate" button in their row to restore their account:

You're all done! Their account will be exactly as it was on the day it was archived, including the record of their bonuses and their earnings account balance. 🎉

Re-activating a user when using an integration with a HRIS/HRMS.

To restore a user, head over to the User Import Management page. You can access this page by clicking on the Manage Import User button available at the top of the User Accounts page:

Then find the user you would like to re-activate:

Select the user, and click on the "Activate Selected" button in green:

A prompt will appear to confirm that this user should be reactivated. Select "Ok":

You're all set! Their account will be exactly as it was on the day it was archived, including the record of their bonuses and their earnings account balance. 🎉

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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