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Giving recognition through Slack
Updated over a week ago

First, you'll need your administrator to add the Bonusly Slack app to Slack for your team. Once the integration is installed, you can use the Bonusly Slack app or the  /give command to give a recognition via Slack.

To give a recognition in Slack, click on any channel or Direct Message (DM) and type in  /give and then return. Slack will bring up the Bonusly Slack app menu where you can give recognition, claim awards, and get rewards with the click of a button! 

The  /give command is private and only the user typing will see the Bonusly Slack app.

Next, click on Give recognition:

Complete each field with your recognition information:

Pro tip: If your user name in Slack is different than your user name in Bonusly, you will need to search for people by their Slack name within Slack in order to give recognition.

When you're ready to send the recognition, select the green Submit button, and that’s it! The recognition will now post in Slack, and also on Bonusly. 🎉

Prefer to build your own bonuses? No problem! You can continue to use the /give   command and recognition formula to create and recognize your teammates. 

The syntax is: /give +points @person for reason #hashtag 

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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