Adding Multiple Users

Learn how to add multiple users to your Bonusly account with the bulk upload feature.

Adrianne Hipsher avatar
Written by Adrianne Hipsher
Updated over a week ago

This article is best for:

- Bonsuly Admins 🎉

- Pro & Core Accounts 💼

Topics in this article:

Bonusly offers two primary user management options: manual user management or integration with an HRIS system (Zenefits, BambooHR, etc). Manual user management can happen individually as well as in bulk via a spreadsheet that is uploaded to the platform. 

This feature is perfect for the launch of new companies using manual user management.

In this article, you will learn how to add and invite multiple users at once. You must be a company admin to add users. If you are interested in learning how to manually add users one at a time, check out our "Adding an individual user" article. 

Whether you’re uploading your user list for the first time, or adding a group of new employees to your account, adding multiple users at once is easy with our bulk upload feature! 

Adding multiple users in bulk 

To add multiple users in bulk, click the 'Bulk Upload Users' button at the top-left of the Admin > Users > User accounts page:

You'll be taken to a new page with two options to choose from:

1) Bulk Import from CSV/XLSX File  

This option allows you to invite new users to your account and upload important user data such as name, department, hire date, and more. 

2) Bulk Add From a List of Email Addresses

Use this option to quickly invite new teammates. Later, you can add user information manually by editing each user individually or in bulk.

Bulk Import From CSV/XLSX File

You can add all your users at once by uploading a CSV or XLSX file. The headers need to be specifically formatted for the program to read and upload them. 

If you would like to make your spreadsheet from scratch, the headers are as follows:

  1. Required:

    • first_name

    • last_name

    • email

  2. Optional:

The information will look something like this: 

Once you have a file in the format specified above, click the 'choose file' button, and select your file:

The option to 'deactivate users not on the list' will immediately archive any users not listed.

When you've chosen your file and are satisfied with the settings, click the 'Upload' button. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm the data.

This is your chance to double-check and make sure the list looks exactly the way you expect it to. If everything looks correct, click the 'import' button near the bottom-left:

A new pop-up box will give you two options: Invite now or Save & finish later:

Invite Now: Your new users will immediately receive an invitation to join your Bonusly account, which can be viewed on the Admin > Users > User accounts page. If this option is chosen, you will be taken back to the user accounts page, where text at the top of the page will indicate when the upload is complete.

Save & finish later: Your user’s data will be uploaded to your account, but their profiles will not be activated, and they will not receive an invite. Instead, these users can be manually activated at a later time on the Admin > Users > Manage user import page. If this option is chosen, you will be taken back to the manage user import page once the data has been uploaded to the account.

Bulk Add From a List of Email Addresses

Add the emails of the colleagues you'd like to invite, separated by commas, and click 'Add.'

You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm the emails you're adding. At the bottom of the list, click 'Add Users', and they'll receive automated email invitations to join your Bonusly account.

Important: As soon as you click the ‘Add Users’ button, your new users will immediately receive an invitation to join your Bonusly account. 

That's it; you're all done manually adding users.

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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