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Redeeming for a reward

Learn how to convert your hard-earned points into rewards available from your catalog.

Updated over 5 months ago

This article is best for:

- All users πŸŽ‰

- Connect Accounts πŸ’Ό

In this article:

Selecting a reward from the Reward Catalog

You can choose to spend or cash in the points (or whatever currency your team uses like bones πŸ–, stars ⭐️, or high fives βœ‹) from your earnings balance on items in your company's Reward Catalog at any time. It's easy and only takes a couple of seconds! ⚑️

To start, head over to your company's Reward Catalog by clicking on Rewards in the user toolbar or on the Shop rewards button in your rewards widget.

In the catalog, you can pick a reward you'd like to redeem by clicking on the tile on the main page. Or you can search for specific rewards using the search bar at the top of the page and browse through categories using the Categories sidebar.

Redeeming a reward

When you've selected a reward, it will appear in the redemption box on the right side of the page. Click on the amount you'd like to redeem and select Claim now! πŸ’΅

You'll see a notification pop up confirming you've redeemed your reward!

❗️Important: Gift cards cannot be refunded. Please make sure to check the amount before confirming! If you decide you don't want to redeem, click the cancel button and no points will be used from your earnings balance.

Bonusly fulfills the reward automatically, which may take a few seconds. ⌚️

Once your redemption is complete you can claim your reward by clicking on the claim button to claim immediately or at a later date through the confirmation email. πŸ“§

Note: All gift cards are electronic, and redemption notifications will be emailed to you.Β 

Follow the directions on the next page to use your gift card, and you're done. Time to enjoy!Β πŸŽ‰Β 

Reviewing your reward redemptions

If you ever want to look back and see the previous rewards that you've redeemed or find an access code, go to your Rewards history page by heading to the top toolbar Rewards menu and clicking the "visit Rewards history" button below your point balance.

Then click the View button to access your reward code.

Can't find your reward? Check out the article "Where is my reward?" for help!

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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