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Adding a charity as a Custom Reward

Learn how to add a charity of your choice as a custom reward!

Updated over 2 months ago

This article is best for:

- Admin users 🎉

- Connect Accounts 💼

Topics in this article:
Researching charities and logistics

Adding charities as a custom reward is a great way to give to the charity of your company's choice, and it's easy to set up and manage.

Researching charities and logistics

You'll want to research the charity and how your company would like to handle donations. 

Some questions to keep in mind:

  • Can donations be given online?

  • Are donations restricted to a certain amount?

  • Does an admin want to make a donation every time a user redeems for the reward, wait until a certain amount has been redeemed, or process redemptions periodically (weekly, monthly, etc.)?

Remember, since these are custom rewards, how you manage them is entirely up to you. Once those questions have been answered, all that is left is to set up a custom reward!

Setting up and fulfilling Custom Rewards 

First, you'll add your charity as donation option to your custom rewards. You can read about how to add a custom reward in the following article: Adding Custom Rewards

💡Pro tips for adding donations:

  • Linking to the website and/or providing a description of the charity is encouraged.

  • It's helpful to add information about how the donation will be made into the description box.

Once users redeem for the custom reward, it will be time to make a donation on their behalf! Refer to the following article that will guide you through how to fulfill and keep track of custom rewards in Bonusly: Fulfilling Custom Rewards

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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