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Rewards Cost Summary report

Learn how to read and utilize the Rewards Cost Summary report to get the most out of your Bonusly data!

Updated over 9 months ago

The Rewards Cost Summary report is where you can review all reward transactions in one place. When a user redeems for any type of reward, it will show up here. This is the primary report your finance team will need. It gives you a clear breakdown of actual reward spending without having to sift through a lot of other data. It can also be useful for tax reporting purposes.

Reporting Columns

  • Name - The first and last name of the user who redeemed for the reward

  • Email - Email address of the user

  • Location, Department, Role - If applicable, the department, location, and role of each user

  • User Role - User’s role within Bonusly (Normal, Benefactor, Receiver, Observer)

  • Cash & Gift cards - Total value of Cash and Gift cards

  • Cash & Gift cards (Local Currency) - Total value of Cash and Gift cards in your local currency

  • Donations - Total value of donations

  • Custom Rewards - Total value of Custom Rewards

  • AXOMO Rewards -Total cost of the number of points users have applied to their swag order. Only available with an AXOMO integration.

  • *Amount Billed in USD - Total amount billed for Rewards. This column is only available when factoring in non-US-based employees.

*The amount billed in USD does not factor in custom rewards because those are implemented by your company. Bonusly does not charge for custom rewards.

You can filter this report by date or time frame for a more specific review. Click on Filter by date to select a date range or click on the drop-down menu to choose a specific month to review.

If you want to download the approved report to review and share, click on the Export to CSV button to generate a report instantly.

You also have the ability to see totals from deactivated users, which includes rewards totals of users that are no longer active in your account. This is a great way to capture the entire picture of your rewards spend and help you plan out your next year's rewards budget.

Click the subscribe to quarterly email button in the top right to have this report sent directly to your inbox each quarter!

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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