Recognition history report

Learn how to read and utilize the Recognition > Manage report to get the most out of your Bonusly data!

Adrianne Hipsher avatar
Written by Adrianne Hipsher
Updated over a week ago

The Recognition history report makes it easy to see and manage all of the recognition activity in Bonusly. Here you’ll get a basic overview of each recognition post given out by your team. You can also download this report to see a lot more detail to review and share with your team. ✨

You can filter this report using the Filter users button to search for specific users by name, email, department, location, and admin permissions. 🎉

You can also search this report by date or time frame to drill-down for a more targeted search. Click on Filter by date to select a range or click on the drop-down menu to choose a specific month to review.

Reporting Columns:

  • From - User who gave out recognition

  • To - User who received recognition

  • Date - Date recognition was given

  • Amount - Amount of recognition earned in your currency

  • Hashtags - First hashtag included in the recognition post

  • Message - Message shared in recognition post

If you want to download this report to review and share, click on the Export to CSV button to generate a report instantly. 🎉

Bonusly Pro-tip: Downloading to a CSV file will give you much more insight on:

  • Specific departments for giver and receiver

  • How recognition was given (via web vs. smartphone app)

  • Breakdown of the type of bonus (direct, add on, group)

  • All hashtags used in a recognition post and how many times each hashtag has been used

Deleting Recognition

If you run into a problematic post you can quickly and easily delete it from this page.

Deleting a post is permanent and irreversible, so you want to make sure this is the action you’d like to take before confirming.

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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