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The Happy Birthday Celebration

The Happy Birthday Celebration is an easy and customizable automated award that recognizes your teammates for another trip around the sun.

Updated over 9 months ago

This article is best for:

- Global Admins

- Connect Accounts

The Happy Birthday Celebration will automatically give recognition to your team on their birthdays. This can be a great way to take a moment to celebrate all of the great contributions your teammate makes!

The recognition post will appear in the public Recognition Feed, which allows the rest of your team to join in on the celebration and add on to the recognition.

The points for the Happy Birthday Celebration come directly from the company and not an individual user’s allowance balance. This means there's no need to worry about managing allowances for the award. 

In order to enable the Birthday Award, you'll want to make sure that your users have birthday information in Bonusly. Click here to learn more about adding birthday information for your users. 

Customizing the Happy Birthday Celebration

The automated Happy Birthday Celebration comes automatically installed and is pre-programmed with a sensible message and bonus amount. To make adjustments to the Birthday Award, head over to the Receginition > Awards, Celebrations & Incentives > Celebrations page.

To edit the messaging or amount of your Happy Birthday Celebration, click the edit button on the right side of the page.

A new window will pop-up will to allow you to edit the text and amount.

To edit the amount, remove the points amount and replace it with the point amount you would like to use and then click the 'Save' button:

Turning the Happy Birthday Celebration On or Off

You’ll see that the Happy Birthday Celebration is off by default. To activate the Birthday Award, toggle the button next to the award name to blue.

Now the Celebration is active! If you'd like to deactivate it, just click toggle the button back to grey to turn the Celebration off.


How do I add my teammates' birthday dates? 

There are three ways to add your teammates' birthday dates:

  • If you're using an HRIS/HRMS integration for your user management, we'll automatically pull the information over for you. 

  • If there's no data available for us to collect, or if you're not using an HRIS/HRMS integration, then we'll send your teammate a notification asking them to add the information to the 'Anniversaries' tab of their settings page, which will appear once you've added the Anniversary Package. 

  • You can manually add everyone's information by including it in a column and using our bulk upload feature

What does the "anniversary_date" field mean and can it be removed?

The "anniversary_date" field will automatically populate the receiver's birth date. It's not required to give the bonus because the data lives elsewhere, but can be nice to have. 

For example, if the receiver's birthday falls on a weekend (where few people are likely to see it), we will generate the bonus on the last workday before the weekend. So, if your birthday is on Sunday, October 1, you'll receive a bonus on Friday, September 29 saying "Happy birthday on October-01!" 

What time do the Celebrations run?

The Celebrations will send the bonus at approximately 8 am in the receiver's time zone.

Whoops! We forgot to add the birthday date for a user; will they still get their reward?

There is a 72-hour window for the Happy Birthday Celebration; so birthdays updated prior to 72 hours of their birthday will still go out. 👍 

Want to learn more about the other Celebrations available? You can find out more by checking out our "What are Celebrations?" article!

Want to learn more about all Awards?
Check out "What are Bonusly Awards, Celebrations and Incentives?" to find out more!

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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