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Reviewing nomination results

Learn how to review and share nominations with others!

Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article is best for:

  • Global and Awards admins

  • All Bonusly Products

To review the results of a nomination events, head to Admin Settings > Recognition > Notifications and click on the row that includes the event you would like to review.

You can also get to the same location by clicking Review submissions in the quick action menu for that nomination period.

Nominations Results Table

On the nomination results screen, admins will see

  • A table of all nominees

  • Total submissions per nominee

  • Nomination messages users submitted.

By default, the table is organized from most to least submissions alphabetically by first name. The nominations summary and messages for the nominee with the most votes is selected and shown by default. Click on a user to review the submission details.

The nominations panel shows all messages for that nominee and who submitted them. At the top of the panel, admins can read a brief summary that highlights why all nominators believe this individual deserves this award or honor. To view nominations for another nominee, admins can click to select another nominee row.

Use the star feature to create a shortlist of nominees to review!

Nominations results page-level actions

On the nominations results screen, admins have access to page-level actions based on nomination status.

  1. Review description and instructions- Admins, or other submission reviewers, can remind themselves of what the nomination period was for by clicking the document icon button. This will open those details in a popup view.

2. Copy Share link- Admins can copy the nomination submission form link by clicking the link icon button. This action is only available for open or scheduled nomination periods.

3. Share nomination results- Admins can share the nomination results with others in their organization for collaboration or to celebrate all nominees. This action is only available for open or closed nomination periods.

  • Share with other Bonusly Admins- To share results with other global admins or awards admins, copy the url in the browser address bar to share.

  • Share with non-admins- If you want to share the results with individuals who do NOT have admin permissions, they should use the “Share results” button.

By default, non-admins cannot access nomination results. However the admin can toggle the “share with non-admins” control ON, in order to get a link that can be sent to anyone with allowed company email domains.

Once the admin toggles “share with non-admins” ON, a unique url will appear that you can copy directly.

The unique url will bring users to a nominations results screen where they will be able to see all nominees, how many users made submissions for that nominee, a summary of the why the individual was nominated, as well as all the nomination messages submitted on their behalf.

This shareable view can be used for nomination committee process. If admins want to celebrate everyone who was nominated, the shareable view is a great way to give everyone at their organization (including all nominees) access to the nomination results.

Recognizing Nomination Winners

When you are ready to celebrate your nominations winner(s), You'll find multiple actions available in the in the results table including the ability to:

  • Give an award - Give out a previously created company to employee award

  • Create a new award - Create a new award specific to the nomination event if one isn't already available

  • Give recognition- Give recognition to a nominee from your own giveable balance

  • Copy all messages- share nomination messages with nominees in a channel outside of Bonusly, like via email or maybe in a chat message

Give an award

To give a nominee a preexisting award, click on the Give award button under the summary.

Next, select an award to give for any award that you have giver permissions for. When they continue via “Next”, the nominee’s recipient @handle is automatically prefilled into the award post.

Learn more about giving awards in this article: How to give an Award

Create a new award

If you don't find an available award in givebox pop up, you can choose to create a new award specific to your nomination event. Click on the 3 dots and then Create award.

You will be redirected to the Awards, Celebrations, & Incentives page with the awards tab active. Click Create new in the top right to make an additional award.

Note: To create a new award, the admin must have award permissions.

Give recognition

To anonymize and share nomination messages with a nominee, click Give recognition in the dropdown menu from the three dots.This will bring up the peer-to-peer recognition givebox. The selected nominee’s recipient will automatically prefilled into the recognition post. By default, the recognition post visibility matches the organization’s visibility setting.

Copy all messages

Admins can also share nomination messages with nominees outside of Bonusly (email, Slack, MS Teams, etc.)

Click Copy all messages to copy messages and submitter names to the admin’s [digital] clipboard. You can then paste the messages in other channels to share with the nominee.

Pro tip: To keep nominations anonymous, the admin can delete submitter names or even choose snippets of messages to share.

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