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Submitting a nomination

Learn how to submit and review nominations in Bonusly

Updated over 3 weeks ago

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  • All users

  • All Bonusly products

You've created your first nomination period in Bonusly, great job! Now what? It's time to spread the word about the program to your teams. Proactive and targeted communication can help promote participation and engagement with your nomination program.

Submitting a nomination

Once a nomination period is open, all users who are eligible to submit nominations will see a Nominate button in the givebox. The Nominate button is badged with the number of open nominations available to the user.

The Nominate button will remain in the givebox until all nomination periods are closed.

Click on the Nominate button to open available nomination events. Next, choose the nomination you'd like to make a submission for and click the next button.

Type in the Who are you nominating field to find the coworker you want to nominate and then select their name from the recipient menu. If the nominee pool is limited, users can review who can be nominated in the submission form.

Users must include a reason for nominating in order to submit. There is no length limit to how much a user can type. Users can use the editing tools to format their message and include url hyperlinks if desired.

Users can only nominate 1 person at a time and cannot nominate themselves.

Click on the Submit nomination button to complete. A message will appear letting you know the submission was successful!

If the nomination has a voting limit, the user is informed when they reach that limit and prevented from making another submission. However, they can review who they submitted for the nomination.

Reviewing submissions

To confirm or review a nomination submission, click on the Nominate button in the givebox on the home page. If you have submitted a nomination, you'll see a blue check to the right of the nomination period information.

Hovering over the check will allow you to view who you nominated most recently.

For more information about your submission, select the nomination you'd like to review and hit the next button. If you have submitted at least 1 person for the nomination, a Nomination history button is visible in the bottom left of the form.

Click on the Nomination history button to review your submissions. Nomination messages. Click “Show entire message” to read the entire message you submitted for a nominee.

NOTE: users are unable to edit or change their nomination once it has been submitted.

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