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Managing Nominations

Learn how to view and edit nomination periods in your admin tools!

Updated over 3 weeks ago

This article is best for:

  • Global and Awards admins

  • All Bonusly Products

View the Nominations Landing page

To manage company nomination events, head to Admin Settings > Recognition > Notifications to view the Nomination landing page.

The landing page is an index of all nomination periods created at the company. Admins can quickly find the nomination period they want to manage by searching keywords or sorting the Name, Status, Start date, End date, Creator columns.

Nomination periods are initially sorted by start date within 3 statuses:

  1. Open - current date is between start and end date

  2. Scheduled - start date is upcoming

  3. Closed - end date has already occurred

Admins can review the Nominees column for open and closed nomination periods to understand how many unique users have been nominated for a particular award or other honor.

Admins can review the Submissions column to monitor overall organization participation. Submissions tracks how many nominations have been submitted for that nomination period.

If a nomination period is open, the Nominees and Submissions columns will dynamically update as activity occurs.

Open nominations

For open nominations, admins can access quick actions by clicking the vertical dots on the far right of the table row.

In the quick actions dropdown menu, admins can:

  • Review submissions to see all nomination submissions.

  • Export to CSV to download a spreadsheet with the nomination period results:

    • nomination period name, nominee, submission info, and nomination messages.

  • Edit nomination information.

  • Copy the url link to that specific nomination submission form to share directly with users in a Bonusly announcement, in internal presentations, email or chat messages, etc.

If a nomination period is open, admins can only edit certain information about that nomination. Admins can change the name, description and instructions, or adjust the end date.

Once a nomination period is opened, admins cannot adjust nominee or nominator audiences nor modify voting limits.

Scheduled nominations

Quick actions for scheduled nominations include:

  • Review submissions to see all nomination submissions.

  • Edit the nomination period

  • Copy the url link to a specific nomination submission form to share directly with users.

If a nomination period is scheduled, admins can modify anything on the screen as long as editing occurs before the start date.

Admins can choose to open the nomination period immediately by clicking Open now.

If the scheduled nomination is no longer needed, admins can Delete the nomination period using the Delete button.

Closed nominations

For closed nominations, admins can:

  • Review submissions to view the results of a nomination event

  • Export the CSV spreadsheet of results

  • Edit limited nomination information including end date, name, and details

Click the edit link to adjust the end date to a future date to effectively reopen the nomination period in order to get more submissions.

Admins cannot modify start date or any audience or voting limit settings for closed nominations.

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