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Performance Recap

Your highlight reel to help you reflect and grow.

Updated over 3 months ago

This Article is great for:

- Achieve Plan accounts!

- Managers

- Individual Contributors

At Bonusly, we believe regular performance conversations are crucial for employee growth. That’s why we created Performance Recaps—a tool that helps managers and employees easily review contributions, track progress, and drive meaningful discussions. Use them to highlight your achievements and identify areas for growth.

How does it work? Performance Recaps provide a summary of key contributions, skills, and goal progress over the past 3 months. They’re auto-generated from ongoing recognition, 1:1 feedback, and goal tracking, offering a comprehensive snapshot of your performance to help you prepare for reviews and have productive growth conversations.

Create a Custom Recap

Need to adjust your recap for a different timeframe or specific goals? You can create a custom recap for any period that fits your performance or promotion review needs.

Just hit the "Create custom recap" button, select your desired time range, choose whether to share it with your manager proactively, and click "Create recap!"

Your Custom Recap may take a few minutes to generate.

Once ready, you’ll receive an email notification and an in-app link. You can then view it instantly in a printer-friendly format for easy sharing.

Reflect and realign

Growth requires reflection. This section lets you add Highlights (what you're proud of) and Future Focuses (areas for growth).

You can create your own Highlight or Future Focus:

Or you can select a skill or contribution from your Progress and performance section as your highlight or future focus.

Once you are satisfied with your Highlight and Future Focus, save and share!

NOTE: Your manager won’t see your reflections until you share them, and vice versa. When both parties are ready, the recap reflections are shared for a balanced, productive conversation.

Progress and performance

This section allows you to easily identify your skills, contributions, and goals based on recognition and feedback you’ve received along with notes from your 1:1s.

Toggle between items for a focused view or see everything at once.

Select an individual skill, goal, or contribution tile to view a summary and the related activity tied to that achievement.

Edit or remove any items as you see fit.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How do Recaps generate information?
    Your recap pulls from:

    • Recognition you receive from peer recognition.

    • Feedback you receive during 1:1s and reviews.

    • Goals you set in your 1:1s

  2. What if the summary of a skill, contribution, or goal isn't super accurate?
    The summaries you see are generated based on the recognition and feedback you receive. Rate your summary as helpful or unhelpful to help calibrate things moving forward!

    If you mark a summary as unhelpful, you'll have the option to regenerate it right away.

Have questions? Reach out to Bonusly Support at [email protected]

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