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Subscription billing overview
Bonusly subscription cost is determined by:
Plan type (Bonusly Connect or Custom Plan)
Billing frequency
User count
When you subscribe to our service, Bonusly bills you annually, starting from the first day of your service term. If you decide to increase the number of seats (users) during your subscription, Bonusly prorates the additional charges for these extra seats. This means you're only charged for the portion of the year these extra seats are active. These prorated charges are billed every three months, on the last day of the month, starting from the date you first subscribed.
True-Up Invoices:
If, at any point during your subscription, the number of users you have exceeds the seats you've paid for, you'll receive a "true-up" invoice. This invoice will include prorated charges for the additional users for the remainder of your subscription. Essentially, Bonusly will charge you for the extra users for the time left on your subscription.
For annual accounts, āSubscription settingsā will show:
Subscription tier and term
User count - Number of users in your account
Seats - Number of Bonusly licenses purchased for the current term
Next true-up date- If additional seats are required to support an increase in user count, Bonusly will invoice you on this date.
Subscription renewal date
Pro Tip: To see if Bonusly will charge you for additional seats on your next invoice, compare the user count and seats in the āSubscription settingsā card on the Plans & billing page. You have until the next true-up date to remove additional users from your account; otherwise, charges will apply for additional seats.
Monthly subscription billing involves a per-user premium. Bonusly bases these charges on the user count or minimum quantity (whichever is greater) Ć monthly price per unit (seat).
For any questions about subscription billing or to learn more about enterprise and nonprofit pricing, please send us a note to [email protected] to chat about these options!
Subscription billing FAQs
How is my current user count calculated?
This is the current number of active users on the Admin > Users > User accounts page.
How are current billing units calculated?
Billing units are calculated based on the number of seats (Bonusly licenses) purchased for the current term.
Monthly subscriptions
The number of seats you have is the same as your user count. At the end of each month, Bonusly sends an invoice for the number of active users on your account.
Annual subscriptions
Every three months, Bonusly will bill you for extra seats you need based on the increase in your user count during that time.
How many billing units (seats) will I be billed for at renewal?
If you haven't agreed to a minimum user count:
When it's time to renew, the number of seats will be updated to match the current user count.
If you have agreed to a minimum user count:
When it's time to renew, the number of seats will be updated to either match the current user count or the minimum user countāwhichever number is greater.
Is proration based on the subscription start date or the general fiscal calendar?
Proration is based on the subscription start date.
What's the difference between Seats and User count?
The User count is the number of users in your account.
The Seat count is the number of Bonusly licenses purchased for the duration of your current subscription term.