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HRIS/HRMS integration with Namely
Updated over a year ago

Integrating Bonusly with Namely allows you to automatically manage Bonusly user accounts for your entire team. In just a few clicks, you can sync your Namely employee roster to Bonusly.

First, make sure that you are signed into both your Namely and Bonusly accounts. Then head over to the Namely account page here, click the drop-down profile button, and select 'API.'

Once you click 'API,' a window will open and where you can create a new Personal Access Token. Click the 'Personal Access Tokens' tab and give the access token a recognizable name like "Bonusly." After you've named your token, click the blue 'Create' button.

A unique Personal Access Token will then populate for you. Copy the access token before you navigate away from this page because it will only appear once. The token will likely disappear if you navigate away from the page.*

*If you can't copy the access token in time, you can create a new one by repeating the steps outlined above.

Once you've copied the access token, head over to the Bonusly-Namely Integrations page and paste it into the 'Access token' field.

Next, you will need to add your subdomain from the Namely account. This appears in the URL before in your browser on the Namely page. 

Highlight the words in front of the from the browser and then paste it into the 'Subdomain' field on the Bonusly page.

After you've entered in both fields, ensure that “Automatically activate?” is NOT checked, unless you want to immediately activate all your employees in Bonusly then click 'Save'.

After you click the green 'Save' button, your Namely integration with Bonusly will be confirmed! Your screen should have the API Key and Subdomain fields completed with valid credentials and confirmed sync. 🎉 

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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