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Account Settings:
Managing your personal settings
Managing your personal settings

Learn how to edit and update your information and preferences within Bonusly!

Adrianne Hipsher avatar
Written by Adrianne Hipsher
Updated over a week ago

This article is best for:

- All users 🎉

- Pro & Core Accounts 💼

The Settings section of Bonusly allows you to edit and update your personal information and preferences with Bonusly. Availability of preferences is determined by your company's administrators. As Bonusly is a platform chosen and run by your company, it will be up to their discretion about what information you're allowed to access and edit.

*Please confirm with your company admins before making changes to your preferences. All information is subject to change if it does not fit with your company policies. 

The Setting pages include: "Basic Settings", "Notifications", "Services", "Anniversaries", and "Security". First, let's review how to access your  Settings.

Accessing the Settings page

The Settings page can be accessed by clicking on your Avatar in the bottom left corner of your screen: 

From the pop-up, choose the "Settings" option.

You will be directed to your Settings home, which is always "Basic Settings."

Basic Settings

Basic settings allow you to edit* basic information about you in Bonusly, including Preferred first name (What shows up on Bonusly), Last name, Email, Time zone, Country, Locale, and Avatar.

*If the field is not editable, it means that your company is using an integration for user management, and the information is being pulled from another program. If it is not editable, please contact a company admin about making any necessary changes. 

Once the changes have been made, select "Update Account" at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

If your account updates have been saved successfully, you'll receive a notification: 


Notifications allow you to select which reminders and emails you will receive related to Bonusly. We strongly encourage, as a best practice, keeping all of your notifications in place, as reminders are strongly tied to healthy platform activity.

*If you decide to disable some of the notifications and find your usage of Bonusly decreasing, we encourage you to reactivate the reminders. 👍 


Services allow you to: select and enable any third-party log-in services your company has enabled and is also where your Normal user API Access Tokens are managed. 

Third-party Login Services

During setup, your company will determine which methods of login are suitable for the account. Of the options available, you are able to set up which login method you most prefer. You can learn more about setting up third-party log-in options here

API Tokens

Normal user API tokens are not necessary or required for most users. You can learn more about API tokens here


Anniversaries allow you to see which automated awards your company has enabled and displays your birthday and anniversary dates. 

If these awards are turned on for your company, you can opt out of receiving recognition for a birthday or anniversary by unchecking the boxes next to that type of award. Then click on the "Update Anniversaries" button that the bottom to save your changes.

When a user opts out, they will not receive any recognition or points on that day, and nothing will post to the home feed.

*If your birthday or anniversary date is incorrect, please contact a company admin to update the information for you. They can find material on how to edit your dates here


Security allows you to change and/or update your password, as well as enable/disable MFA on your account. Both of these actions are determined by how your company has configured the account during setup. If you are unable to access either feature, please contact a company admin for further assistance. 

Password Requirements:

When creating a new password, please be aware that Bonusly requires a minimum of 12 characters.

Additional Tips for creating strong passwords: 💪

  • Never reuse a password

  • Use at least 12 characters for your password (the more, the better!)

  • Use a mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters

  • Mix in letters and numbers

  • Include a special character

  • Try to avoid using actual words by themselves from any language because they are easier to guess and decode (i.e., Burgundy)

  • Consider using a password manager program to keep track of your passwords, which defeats a lot of standard hacking attempts

Avoid common mistakes

  • Passwords based on personal information are easily compromised

  • Misspelling a word (daytt instead of date) only provides limited protection

  • Reusing a password, even a strong one, endangers your accounts just as much as using a weak password


  • I want to edit my data/preferences under the Settings tab. Is that okay? Any changes to your settings page will need to be run by your company admin. Please confirm that your updates are appropriate based on your companies guidelines and policies. 

  • I want to edit some data but don't seem to be able to. Why not? If your company is using an HRIS for user management (such as BambooHR, Zenefits, etc), then some information will not be editable for anyone inside of Bonusly. Any updates or changes that need to be made will have to happen within the HRIS system, and then updated within Bonusly. Please have your admin contact us if they have further questions about updating the information. 

Questions? Send us a note to [email protected]; we'd be happy to help!

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